Filipianët Filipianët:
(Term nga Kodikët e Shqipërisë)

Banorët e Filipi-t (Philippi), qytet në Maqedoninë e vjetër. Dijetarët e vendosin në afërsi të Kavalla-s së sotme. U drejtohet Shën Pali me letrat e tij apostolike: (1:1). At the time he wrote, Philippi was already an ancient and historic city. It was built and fortified in 358-357 BC. by Philip II of Macedon (the father of Alexander the Great) and named after himself. The site Philip chose for his new fortification was the old Thracian city of Crenides (or Daton) in northeast Greece (Macedonia). It was located about eight miles from the sea in a very fertile region that was enriched by an abundance of springs and by the gold that was mined there (Straboni, Shmidt). Philippi became world-prominent, however, as the place where the battle between Brutus and Cassius, the assassins of Julius Caesar, and Antony and Octavian took place in 42 BC. Antony and Octavian emerged as the victors. When Octavian later defeated Antony at Actium (31 BC) and took to himself the title of Augustus, he rebuilt Philippi, established a military outpost there, filled it with Roman soldiers, veterans of his wars and Antony’s partisans evicted from Italy, made it a colony (Iulia Augusta Philippiensis) – Schmidt, 2233-2234. Thus when Paul made his first visit to Europe he purposely neglected the port city of Neapolis to begin preaching the gospel in the small but more important city of Philippi of the first district of Macedonia (Acts 16:12). Për identifikimin e vendit të Filipianëve mund të këshillohen:Nestle-Aland, “Novum Testamentum Graece”, 26th ed., si dhe:Metzger.: “A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament”, New York, United Bible Societies, 1971, p. 444-446; Zuntz, G.:“Textual Criticism of Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles”, in “Classica et Mediaevalia” 3-1940, 36-37. “The story of Paul’s arrival in Philippi and the beginning of the Church there is told in dramatic fashion by Luke to underscore heavily the significance of the transition of the gospel mission from Asia Minor to Europe” – Conzelmann, “Primitive Christianity”, p. 96). Për identifikimin historik të qytetit Filip (Philippi) që përmendet në Letrat e Apostujve, që ndonjëherë është lidhur edhe me qytetin Plovdiv të Bullgarisë së sotme (emri i hershëm i tij është Philipopolis) shih:Henle, F. A.:“Philippi und die Philippergemeinde” (1893); Lemerle, P.:“Philippe et la Macédonie orientale à l’époque chrétienne et byzantine”, Paris 1945; Picard, C.:“Les dieux de la colonie de Philippes vers le Ier siècle de notre ère, d’après les ex voto rupestres”, 1922; Shmidt, J.:“Philippoi”, 1938.

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* Kodikët e Shqipërisë
